Library Work
The Westchester LGBTQ+ History Project
Introverts Book Club
The Secret Society of Seltzer
The Guardian (Originally published in Dark(ish) Web on Medium) - 05. 2018
Inside the group of fanatical fizz enthusiasts that created something special on Facebook.
Goodbye, Yellow Face Gum
The Outline - 04. 2018
Examining the anachronistic existence of Fortune Bubble, a gum branded with a decades-old Asian stereotype and sold in 2018.
Posting About Miscarriage On Social Media Is Still Stigmatized — Why?
Romper - 02. 2018
Talking about pregnancy loss on social media fights stigma. Facebook could do better to facilitate these disclosures.
How YouTube’s Block Of LGBTQ Videos Could Hurt Kids
Vocativ - 03. 2017
The platform has helped many teens embrace who they are.
Meet The Coders Working To Hack Trump's Immigration Ban
Vocativ - 02. 2017
Building apps to crowdsource warnings of ICE raids and help travelers detained at airports.
Death Of Taxes: An Old Protest Tactic Revived For A New President
Vocativ - 02. 2017
Recent circumstances have some starting to think about refusing to pay taxes, drawing from a long history of political tax resistance.
These Crowdsourced Maps Guide Trans People To ‘Safe’ Bathrooms
Vocativ - 02. 2017
A crowdsourced map, called the Safe Bathroom Club, shows restrooms where business owners support the rights of transgender and gender non-conforming people to use the restrooms safely.
The Tech That’s Helping People Face Their Fear Of Going Outside
Vocativ - 01. 2017
Apps, virtual reality, and YouTube can make life less scary for people with agoraphobia.
The Smallest Women’s Marches Show Size Doesn’t Have To Matter
Vocativ - 01. 2017
Two academics began a crowdsourcing project so that every marcher counts.
How Newspapers Came To Endorse Anyone But Trump
Vocativ - 10. 2016
Looking at presidential endorsements endorsements by newspapers in recent history.
Dallas Shooter Killed By Bomb Robot In Policing First
Vocativ - 07. 2016
The usage of this type of robotics technology to kill a civilian as a policing mechanism is the first documented event of its kind in the U.S. Bomb disposal robots are typically used for the opposite purpose: to remove explosives from an area in order protect those in its immediate vicinity from the loss of life.
Melissa Harris-Perry’s Exit Is Bad News For TV
Vocativ - 03. 2016
A lack of diversity can be seen across the major cable news platforms.
Ex-Cop Daniel Holtzclaw Convicted On Charges Of Serial Rape
Vocativ - 12. 2015
Speaking with activists about the former Oklahoma City Police Officer who was convicted on 18 charges of sexual assault-related crimes.
Civil Rights Workers Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman Commemorated at PMHS Events for Students and Community Members
The Pelham Weekly - 11. 2014
Steve Schwerner, the Rev. Julia Chaney-Moss, and David Goodman attended an afternoon session for students and an evening session for the community on to commemorate the 50th anniversary of their siblings’ deaths. It had been announced days earlier that the three murdered civil rights activists will posthumously be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.